Capturing Motocross with Slow Shutter Speeds

Whats the slowest shutter speed you can shoot to achieve useable images?

I decided to find out at the local MX track. These photos were all shot on a Nikon D750 using a 25 year old Nikon 80-200mm F2.8 lens. The lens nor body has any form of stabilisation or vibration reduction. All these shots are hand held which means no monopods/tripods.

The useable images i came away with were taken using a shutter speed of between 1/25th sec to 1/50th sec at 200mm focal length. This is very slow for a 200mm lens of this age and not advisable if you want a great hit rate of sharp in focus images. I had never tried to shoot with a shutter speed this slow on this lens and so I was pleasantly surprised to find that many of the shots worked and had the effect i was aiming for. What I wont tell you is how many shots were complete rubbish and blurry/ out of focus ( Hint- It was A LOT ).

Tamron SP24-70 First Impressions- Testing out a new lens at the MX Track

Back in February i purchased a second hand Tamron SP24-70mm F2.8 Di. This focal length is usually a staple in most photographers gear bags, however i have managed to get away with my assortment of 25 year old Nikon primes instead of using this more friendly zoom lens. When this lens came up at the right price i quickly snapped it up and waited patiently for it to arrive, excited to test it out.

This is the first lens Ive owned with in built vibration stabilisation/reduction (VR). I was very eager to see what it could do and how slow i could push my shutter speeds especially with fast moving subjects, what better way to test it out than at the local MX track. The conditions were very average with rain, dull cloud cover and constant drizzle so it really was a good way to test the weather sealing on this lens. I can report back that both the VR and weather sealing worked flawlessly. I still prefer the look of the Nikon primes ( especially the 50mm) but having a lens good for wide and zoom is very handy in capturing the action and not having to swap out lens’ every 5 minutes. I’m Looking forward to spending some more time with this lens and putting it through its paces, i believe it will really be in it’s element in close quarters event photography.

Some shots using this lens are below.

Motocross at Krusic's Ride Park- Gippsland

Spent an awesome weekend away at a friends holiday house at Golden Beach in Gippsland. Had such a great time away from the city with mates, talking smack, drinking and the best part is that Ride Park was just 5 mins from our house. Ive been wanting to  check out  Krusics Ride Park  for a few years now but the distance was just too far to make a day trip out of. 

I hadn't been on a MX track in 3 years (plus i'm also really bad at MX) but had a heap of fun. After my body couldn't take any more of a beating i parked up the bike and headed out to take some photos of the proper riders. 

Does anyone want to trade MX lessons for some photos? :P